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Our Labs

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Building 1

Our Diagnostic Labs

Our labs at IRM Hospital are cutting-edge facilities dedicated to pushing the boundaries of medical research and innovation. We house state-of-the-art equipment and employ a team of top-notch scientists and medical professionals. Our research spans various fields, including genetics, neuroscience, immunology, and more. We work tirelessly to develop new treatments, therapies, and diagnostic tools that can improve the lives of patients worldwide.

Building 2

Dedicated Facility for Tissue & Cell Centre

Our genetic research lab, for instance, is focused on unraveling the mysteries of DNA and its role in various diseases. We're exploring gene therapies that have the potential to cure previously incurable genetic conditions.

See List of Our Lab Tests

1 24 Hrs. Creatinine Clearance

2 24 Hrs. Microalbuminuria

3 24 Hrs. Urine BUN

4 24 Hrs. Urine Calcium

5 24 Hrs. Urine Cortisol

6 24 Hrs. Urine Creatinine

7 24 Hrs. Urine Electrolytes

8 24 Hrs. Urine Electrolytes

9 24 Hrs. Urine Magnesium

10 24 Hrs. Urine Phosphorus

11 24 Hrs. Urine Protein

12 24 Hrs. Urine Specific Gravity

13 24 Hrs. Urine Urea

14 24 Hrs. Urine oxalate

15 24 hrs. Urine Citric Acid

16 2nd Opinion for Bone Marrow Aspiration

17 2nd Opinion for Bone Marrow Trephine

18 A.S.O.T

19 A/G Ratio

20 ACP Stain

21 AFB Stain

22 ALP

23 ALT

24 ANA (ANF) Screening


26 AST

27 Abbreviated Blood Picture

28 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)

29 Alpha Fetoprotein

30 Ammonia Level

31 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme

32 Anti CCP

33 Anti Cardiolipin IgG

34 Anti Cardiolipin IgM

35 Anti GBM

36 Anti ds DNA

37 Anti mitochondrial Ab (AMA)

38 Anti-Mullerian Hormone

39 Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Ab

40 Anti-Sm

41 Anti-TPO

42 Anti-Tg

43 Anti-thrombin

44 Apolipoprotein B

45 Arterial Blood Gases

46 Ascitic Fluid R/E

47 B 12 & Folic Acid

48 B.N.P

49 B12

50 BIOPSY (L) Slide Review

51 BIOPSY (L) with IHC

52 BIOPSY (M) with IHC

53 BIOPSY (S) Slide Review

54 BIOPSY (S) with IHC

55 BSF

56 BSR

57 BUN

58 Bicarbonate

59 Bilirubin (T. D. ID)

60 Bioavailable Testosterone

61 Bleeding Time

62 Blood Alcohol

63 Blood Bag Screening

64 Blood CP

65 Blood Culture

66 Blood Culture Bottle

67 Blood Group

68 Bone Marrow Aspiration

69 Bone Marrow Culture

70 Bone Marrow Harvest

71 Bone Marrow Procedure

72 Bone Marrow Trephine (Biopsy)

73 Bone Marrow for Chromosomal Breakage

74 Bone Profile

75 Bone Profile Extended

76 Brucella Antibodies

77 C-Peptide Level

78 C3

79 C4

80 CA 125

81 CA 19-9

82 CD-2

83 CD-3

84 CD-30

85 CD-34

86 CD-45

87 CD-5

88 CD-56

89 CD-66e (CEA)

90 CD-68

91 CEA

92 CK NAC (Creatine Kinase )

93 CK-MB

94 CK20

95 CK7

96 CMV

97 CMV IgG

98 CMV IgM

99 CP for Dengue

100 CPK


102 CPK,GOT,LDH,Aldolase

103 CRP

104 CSF IgG

105 CSF IgM

106 CSF Protein

107 CSF R.E

108 CSF for Culture

109 CT/BT

110 Calcium

111 Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

112 Chem 7 (Fasting)

113 Chem 7 (Random)

114 Chloride

115 Cholestrol

116 Chylomicrons

117 Clostridium Difficile, PCR

118 Clotting Time

119 Coombs Direct

120 Coombs Indirect

121 Covid Antigen

122 Creatinine

123 Cross Match

124 Culture of Fluid

125 Culture of Swab

126 Cyclosporine

127 Cytology

128 Cytology Slide Review

129 D/Dimmer

130 DHEA-SO4

131 Dengue NS-1 Antigen

132 Dengue Virus IgM (Quantitative)

133 Desmin

134 Digoxin (Lanoxin)

135 Direct Bilirubin

136 EMA

137 ENA Profile

138 ESR

139 Ear Swab Culture

140 Echinococcus IgG

141 Endomysial IgA

142 Estradiol

143 Estrogen Progesterone Receptor

144 Estrogen Receptor

145 Extended Electrolytes Profile

146 F T-3

147 F.D.P.

148 FNA Cytology

149 FSH

150 FT4

151 Factor V Leiden

152 Ferritin

153 Fibrinogen

154 Fluid A/G Ratio

155 Fluid ADA (Adenosine Deaminase)

156 Fluid Albumin

157 Fluid Amylase

158 Fluid For Fungal Hyphae

159 Fluid Glucose

160 Fluid LDH

161 Fluid Lipase

162 Fluid Protein

163 Fluid R.E

164 Fluid RBC

165 Fluid for Crystals

166 Fluid pH

167 Folic Acid

168 Free Testosterone

169 G6PD Enzyme Deficiency Study

170 GCT Screening with 50g.

171 GFAP

172 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)

173 Gliadin (Deamidated) IgA

174 Gliadin (Deamidated) IgG

175 Globulin

176 Glucose Tolerance Test (100g)

177 Glucose Tolerance Test (75g)

178 Gram Stain

179 Growth Hormone

180 H. Pylori (Stool) Antigen-Quantitative

181 H. Pylori IgG (Quantitative)

182 HB Electrophoresis


184 HBE Ag (Anti gen)

185 HBV DNA Qualitative Assay

186 HBV DNA Quantitative Assay

187 HBV PCR Qualitative

188 HBsAg

189 HBsAg & HCVAb

190 HCV

191 HCV Genotyping

192 HCV RNA Qualitative Assay

193 HCV RNA Quantitative Assay

194 HDL

195 HEV Antigen

196 HIV

197 HIV Antigen/Antibody I&II

198 HSV I/II IgM

199 HVS C/S with procedure

200 HVS for Culture

201 Hcg (Pregnancy Test)

202 Hematocrit

203 Hemoglobin

204 Hep A Virus IgG

205 Hep A Virus IgM

206 Hep B Core IgM

207 Hep B Core Total

208 Hep Be Antibody

209 Hep Bs Antibody

210 Hep. B Profile

211 Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) Antibodies

212 Hepatitis E virus IgG

213 Hepatitis E virus IgM

214 High Sensitive Troponin I

215 Homocysteine

216 ICT MP

217 ICT TB

218 IgA

219 IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM

220 IgE

221 IgG

222 IgM

223 Immature Platelets Fraction

224 India Ink for CSF

225 Indirect Bilirubin

226 Influenza A&B

227 Insulin like growth factor IgF-1

228 Ionized Calcium

229 Iron



232 LDH

233 LE Cells

234 LFT

235 LH

236 Leishmania Donovani

237 Lipase

238 Lipid Profile

239 Lipoprotein (a)

240 Liver Kidney Microsomal Ab

241 Lupus Anticoagulant

242 Magnesium

243 Malaria

244 Malarial Parasite

245 Malarial Parasite (Thick Film)

246 Mantoux Test

247 Mean platelet volume (MPV)

248 Microalbuminuria (Spot)

249 Monospot

250 Mumps IgG

251 Mumps IgM

252 Nasal Swab Culture

253 OGTT

254 Osmotic Fragility

255 P-63

256 PAP Smear Sampling & Reporting

257 PAS Stain

258 PCV (Hematocrit)

259 PSA

260 PT

261 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) – Intact

262 Peripheral Smear

263 Phosphorous

264 Plasma Renin

265 Platelets

266 Platelets Rich Plasma

267 Pleural Fluid R.E

268 Potassium

269 Pro C Global

270 Pro-BNP

271 Procalcitonin

272 Progesterone

273 Prolactin

274 Prostate Specific Antigen

275 Protein C Assay

276 Protein S Assay

277 Prothrombin Time

278 Pus for Culture

279 QuantiFERON TB Gold (IGRA)

280 R.P.R. (V.D.R.L.) Titer

281 RA Factor

282 RBC Count

283 RCC (Renal cell carcinoma marker)

284 RFT

285 Reticuline Stain

286 Reticulocyte Count

287 Rh Antibody

288 Rheumatoid Factor

289 Rubella IgG (Antibody)

290 Rubella IgM

291 S-100 Protein

292 Semen Analysis

293 Semen for Culture

294 Serum ADA (Adenosine Deaminase)

295 Serum Albumin

296 Serum Aldosterone

297 Serum Amylase

298 Serum Bilirubin

299 Serum Cortisol (AM)

300 Serum Cortisol (PM)

301 Serum Electrolytes

302 Serum H pylori Antibody

303 Serum H pylori Antibody Screening

304 Serum Insulin

305 Serum Lithium

306 Serum Osmolality

307 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

308 Sickling

309 Skin Scraping for Fungal Hyphae

310 Sodium

311 Special Stain on Bone Marrow

312 Spot Urine Calcium

313 Spot Urine Cortisol

314 Spot Urine Creatinine

315 Spot Urine Electrolytes

316 Spot Urine Magnesium

317 Spot Urine Protein (Quantitative)

318 Spot Urine for Phosphorous

319 Spot Urine for Urea

320 Spot Urine for Uric Acid

321 Sputum Culture

322 Sputum R/E

323 Stool Culture

324 Stool R/E

325 Synovial Fluid R.E

326 Syphilis

327 Syphilis TP Antibody

328 T-Transglutaminase IgA

329 T-Transglutaminase IgG

330 T3

331 TB by ELISA (IgG & IgM)

332 TG

333 TIBC

334 TPHA

335 TSH

336 TTF-1 (Thyroid Transcription Factor 1)

337 Tac Level

338 Tacrolimus

339 Testosterone

340 Throat Swab Culture

341 Thrombophilia Profile

342 Thyroid Antibodies

343 Thyroid Profile

344 Tissue Processing

345 Torch Profile

346 Torch Screening

347 Total Eosinophil Count

348 Total Neutrophil Count

349 Total Protein

350 Toxoplasma IgG (Antibody)

351 Toxoplasma IgM (Antibody)

352 Transferrin Saturation

353 Trop I

354 Trop-T

355 Tru Cut Biopsy

356 TruAge Epigenetic

357 Two sites ultrasound guided FNAC

358 Typhoid IgG & IgM

359 UIBC

360 Ultrasound guided FNAC

361 Urea

362 Urethral Swab Culture

363 Uric Acid

364 Urinary Amphetamine

365 Urinary Cannabinoids

366 Urinary Cocaine

367 Urinary Opiates

368 Urine Albumin Creatinine Ratio

369 Urine Amylase

370 Urine Culture

371 Urine Hemosiderin

372 Urine Osmolality

373 Urine Protein (Qualitative)

374 Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio

375 Urine R/E

376 Urine Specific Gravity

377 VDRL

378 VIT D3

379 Valproic Acid (Epilim)

380 Vimentin

381 WBC Count

382 Water Culture

383 Widal

384 Wright Stain

385 aPTT

386 bHCG

See List of Our Radiology Lab Tests

1 Abdomen USG


3 CTG (Ultra Sound)

4 Chest X-Ray

5 Femur AP/Lateral

6 Gyne Ultrasound

7 MRI Brain

8 MRI Cervical Spine

9 MRI Lumbosacral Spine

10 MRI Whole Spine


12 PNS X-Ray

13 TVS Ultrasound

14 Ultrasound N

15 X Ray Knee Joint Skyline

16 X Ray MCUG

17 X-RAY Cervical Ap/Lat

18 X-Ray Abdomen

19 X-Ray Ankle Joint

20 X-Ray Ankle Joint AP/Lat

21 X-Ray Arm/Forearm

22 X-Ray B/L Hip Joint Ap/Lat

23 X-Ray Cervical

24 X-Ray Clavicle Ap

25 X-Ray Elbow Joint

26 X-Ray Elbow Joint Ap/Lat

27 X-Ray Femur

28 X-Ray Foot AP/Obl

29 X-Ray Forearm Ap/Lat

30 X-Ray Hand Ap/Obl

31 X-Ray Heel

32 X-Ray Heel Axial/Lat

33 X-Ray Hip Ap

34 X-Ray Hip B/L

35 X-Ray Hip Joints

36 X-Ray Humerus AP

37 X-Ray KUB

38 X-Ray Knee Joint

39 X-Ray Knee Joint Ap/Lat

40 X-Ray Knee Joint B/L AP-LT View

41 X-Ray L/S Spine AP/LAT

42 X-Ray Nasal Bone Ap/Lat

43 X-Ray Neck

44 X-Ray Neck Soft Tissue Ap/Lat

45 X-Ray Patella

46 X-Ray Pelvis

47 X-Ray Shoulder Ap/Lat

48 X-Ray Shoulder B/L

49 X-Ray Shoulder Joints/Scapula

50 X-Ray Skull

51 X-Ray Skull Ap/Lat

52 X-Ray Spine

53 X-Ray Throcic- Drosal Spine Ap/Lat

54 X-Ray Thumb AP Lateral

55 X-Ray Tibia & Fibula

56 X-Ray Tibia Fibula Ap/Lat

57 X-Ray Toes

58 X-Ray Wrist AP Lateral

59 X-Ray Wrist Joint

60 X-Rays Foot/Metatarsal/Bones

61 X-ray Nephrogram

Partnerships For Health

In our neuroscience lab, we're studying the brain and nervous system to better understand disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and autism. Our goal is to develop interventions that can improve the quality of life for individuals affected by these conditions.
Our immunology lab is at the forefront of vaccine development and research into immune-related disorders. We're dedicated to finding solutions to combat infectious diseases and autoimmune conditions.